β Minecraft versions: 1.16.5 - 1.16, 1.15.2 - 1.15, 1.14.X - 1.12.2 β Author: Rodrigo π¦ Download Rodrigo's Pack
Rodrigo’s Pack is a Minecraft texture pack that adds low resolution textures to the game, replacing the higher resolution textures of Vanilla Minecraft.
8×8 textures
The 8×8 pixels Rodrigo’s Pack comes with minimalistic textures that only feature 8 pixels of details, instead of 16 pixels. This way the game will feel more simplified and grid-like than usual.

This effect is amplified by the design of the textures. All textures have a dark border, which makes Minecraft look even more blocky than it already is. The comparison above demonstrates how clearly this grid becomes visible, especially when observing terrain from a distance.
Colors and cartoon
Nonetheless, the textures added by this pack are colorful and make the game feel like a cartoon. The author of this pack chose to use a limited, but vibrant palette of colors.

This means greens will be even greener, and flowers will be even prettier. It does, however, make the game feel a bit repetitive. You will have a blast playing Minecraft with this low resolution texture pack for a while.
Just a heads up, if you enjoy texture packs that add variety and alternate block textures to your game, you might find yourself getting bored of these grid-like textures after a while.
FPS boost
And then there is the legend, or myth, of the 8×8 packs. Some say its lower resolution textures will make Minecraft run faster and give you more FPS (frames per second) in-game. Whether this is true or false has never been determined, but you can always give it a try and see for yourself!
Β Video Review
Download Rodrigo’s Pack for Minecraft 1.16.5
Download Links
Official texture pack website:
Official Rodrigo’s Pack resource pack website
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